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Tumu Timbers / Hastings Boys' Cadetship Programme


We are proud to launch our Cadetship program with Tumu Timbers as part of our Technology Initiative. The Hastings Boys’ High School Technology Initiative was started by Patton Engineering, providing pathways into engineering careers for our students.

Tumu Timbers, a leader in the timber industry, is committed to giving back to our community and believes in “building a better community for everyone”.

They are aware that there is currently a shortage of skilled, dedicated people in the manufacturing / timber industry. Tumu would like to ensure that our youth have long-term career options when leaving school and have the opportunity to gain qualifications whilst doing so.

We will be taking about 100 students from the Technology workshops on a “scoping” visit over the next couple of weeks to show them what the timber industry is all about. Students will visit two sites, Tumu Timbers – Maraekakaho (TTL) and Tumu Frame and Truss.

After the initial scoping visits, students will attend fortnightly work experience days at Tumu in a similar fashion as our highly successful partnership with Patton Engineering. Over the course of the year, students will be exposed to many facets of the timber industry, learn new skills and work alongside qualified Tumu staff.

There are numerous opportunities in the timber industry and possible apprenticeships for the right candidates. After today’s first visit, the students were buzzing in the vans back to school, excitedly talking about their visit and their future careers.

We look forward to this cadetship program and thank Tumu Timbers for supporting our community, school, and students.

Watch this space...............

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